Thursday, January 16, 2014

T- 1 day

Tomorrow is the big day.

I should probably finish packing, but...

Bangor had the wrong email address for me - since I never received my housing on time, I just booked my flight guessing when I should arrive. I was wrong. I can't get into my housing until the 20th, and I'm arriving on the 18th. Guess who's staying in a hotel on campus until then? This lady.

After flying into Manchester, I was going to have to catch a train or bus into Wales (since I'm going solo and the university doesn't pick me up at the airport). But, one of my British relatives (who my mom met on offered to pick me up and drive me to Bangor.

I just watched this video (below) and I'm so excited!!!

Here's to (hopefully) not getting taken. (Because according to my sister, no one in our family has a special set of skills to save me.)


PS: I'll try to vlog (video blog) while I'm gone, so subscribe for good times.
PPS: These exchange rates are hurting my soul. British pounds/Euros will be the death of me (and my bank account).

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