Thursday, January 23, 2014

Courses Sorted (Day 6)

I woke up a bit later than usual today and had to rush to make sure I did everything that needed to be done. We had an ID check (we had to enroll online, send in a picture for our Bangor ID cards and show up with our passports between 10am and 4pm) and the module form was due before 4pm. Of course I still needed 2/3 signatures around 2pm. (Faculty takes lunch breaks from like 12-2...what.)

I'm all signed up! Here are the courses I will be studying:
  • Ethics: Religious Perspectives 
  • Cultural Economy of the Media
  • Global News Agenda

We were only allowed to take a max of 60 Bangor credits (20 UK credit = 5 TU credit). I'm technically taking 15 credits, but only 3 classes. I have classes on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, so I'll definitely be planning some weekend trips.

Since then, I've just been relaxing since and trying to catch up on here. I've decided I'm going to switch on and off with daily and weekly vlogs. I want to make sure there is a good amount of content in them, rather than me just walking the same hilly streets day after day.

I'm also probably going to do more general updates on here, because I'll be a lot busier once classes start on Monday. This means I should really start writing in my journal, but I think we are going out tonight again.

I'm going to need like 124873294 months (to recover) of just me, my DVR/Netflix and animal cuddles when I return.

I'm having so much fun, though, that I don't even want to think about my return just yet. Maybe I'll develop an accent in the next five months...a girl can dream.

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