Monday, December 30, 2013

It's The Final Countdown

I've always wanted to study abroad and now it's real. It's happening. 

18 days. I'm leaving in 18 days. What. Is. Time? (wibbly wobbly)

I'll be getting on a plane the 17th of January to spend the next five months abroad at Bangor University in Wales, UK.

Why Wales? Most people I encounter think this location is the absolute most boring choice ever, and to that I have some very unkind words that I probably shouldn't post on the Internet.

Reasons why Wales seems like a swell place:
  • Doctor Who (need I say more?)
  • Bangin' agricultural business (sheep are cute and apparently there is 11 million of them)
  • Most castles in the UK (641 to be exact)
  • Price William and Duchess Kate live(d) there (What's up, *forgets royal baby name*?)
  • And for whatever reason, I'm drawn to it. It's quaint, unknown (to me) and I like adventures. 
I've complied a list of places I hope to visit during my time abroad....but, all of a sudden, five months doesn't seem like enough time to do/see it all.

Traveling is one of my greatest loves and I wish teleportation was a thing because I'd forever be adventuring all of time and space (hey, another DW reference)....but, really, why isn't it a thing?

All nervousness and excitement aside, I probably should start packing. However, I've been separated from my DVR for an entire semester and there's not a lot of free space left (and if my shows don't record while I'm gone, all hell will break loose) sooooo priorities.
